When I was just a boy I was introduced to a song that I am sure many children have learned while growing up but the message of the song is not lost in adult hood.  That song is the song Be Careful Little Hands What You Do.  Of course the song has much to say about our ears and what they hear; our feet in where they go; our eyes in what they see.  But it seems there is a very important reason for us to be careful about our hands and what they do.  What our hands are doing says a lot about us.  When we are clapping our hands we are showing our appreciation for an event, such as a ball game, or for an entertainer in whom we have enjoyed listening too.  When our fists are tightened into a ball then were are assumed to be angry and retaliatory an action disliked by us.  However, God has given some things in His Word to consider when it comes to our hands.  Like, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might…”, (Eccl. 9:10).  It would appear that God is very interested in us putting forth an effort in the things our hands find to do especially the things we do for His glory.  He doesn’t want a half-effort job.  It is also important to do the things we do for His glory prepared to do them.  Not enough is it to do it with all our might by also to do them “...with clean hands.” (1 Thess. 4:11), and that we are to keep our hands from evil as stated in Isa. 56:2.  He has also instructed us to have “...clean hands and a pure heart…” if we are to approach Him in holiness (Psa. 24:3, 4).   As God, in the days of Nehemiah, strengthened their hands to work in rebuilding the temple He will strengthen our hands for the work He has for us to do.  So, as the song says, Be Careful Little Hands What You Do.

Aren’t you glad that Jesus promised us that His hands are quite capable of doing their work.  He guarantees us that His hands are great enough that no man is able to pluck us out of His hands.  No, no one.  And to top it off, He says no one is able to pluck us out of the Father’s hands.  We are secure in God’s hands.  I for one am happy for this promise.  Today, lift up holy hands to Jesus and serve him with ready hands as you are careful in what your hands are doing.


Until then,

Bro. Glenn