As you look across our great country today you will be amazed at all there is to see. There will be mountains, lakes, beaches, country scenes including streams and meadows. These are the scenes of beauty and wonder. Not to mention the wildlife. Wow! After returning from a two week trip to Alaska I am still in awe at the incredible sights of God’s creation and touch. How beautiful are thy works of thy hands, O Lord.
But on the other hand, if you look again, you will see our country laced with roads from one side to the other as though it was strapped down with the cords of asphalt with stripes and winding to who knows where. They may be streets, blacktop, dirt roads, interstate highways or maybe even an documented path. What ever the road, our lives have been shaped to depend on them for our very existence. They have become a very important part of our everyday life. Try getting to work without a road. A trip to the doctor would be impossible. We could not visit family and friends without the roads that connect our lives. Roads have become a welcome friend to us. We even incorporate road travel as we journey to worship services on Sundays and Wednesdays.
God, in his Word, uses roads to convey to us so much of who He really is and wants
Take for instance the Saul of Tarsus in the book of Acts. He was on a mission to stamp out the very existence of Christianity. On the road to Damascus, he met the blinding light of the very One he was trying to destroy. It was on this road that he came to the realization of who Jesus truly was. It was on this road that he saw Jesus as Lord. This road is the road we were on when we were saved and saw Jesus as our redeemer.
And what about the road to Emmaus? There was a man named Cleopas and another gentleman who walking on this road and were discussing the events of the things they had witnessed concerning Jesus. He came promising deliverance yet he was crucified and had now died. How disappointing to them this was. They were in a very low time of there life. In the depths of their despair and when it seemed no solace could be found, another came along side them and comforted them by telling them the plan that God had for his Son before the world was ever created. Afterward, they were amazed and exited at who had been with them in the very low time of their life – Jesus! This is the road we are on when in our trials and disappointments that Jesus comes along side of us and holds us in our low times. He is our greatest reliever.
Then, another road is the road called Via Dolorosa. This is the street believed to be the path in the old part of Jerusalem that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion. We can never know the load that was carried on that day upon the back of our Lord Jesus Christ. He had the heavy load of mankind’s sin, and that included my sin, bearing down on him and he, willingly and wantonly, carried this load alone. All the way to the cross. The Lamb of God facing death for our peace. Never has there been a road like this road. It was His road.
There are two other roads the Bible speaks of that we need to make mention. One is the wide road and the other is the narrow road. God says the wide road is the road to perdition. Many are on that road because it’s gate is wide and it leads to destruction and is the way of the flesh and the world. The narrow road is the road to Christ. There is a narrow gate and not many enter into that gate because it is the way of holiness that leads to our sins being cleansed and our path to godliness. Its end is a place called Heaven…Home!
What road are you on today? Is it the Damascus Road? The Emmaus Road? What about the wide road and you see Jesus walking the Via Dolorosa for you? Will you enter the narrow road today? I pray so.
Until then…
Bro. Glenn