“Where are you going?” That is a question that we ask very, very often. Children ask their parents where they are going sometimes every time they leave the room. Parents ask their sons and daughters where they are going when they are leaving the yard and at times will even ask what time are they returning. If an employee leaves their work station the boss wants to know where they are going, and sometimes they ask why. It is a very common question in the world we exist in and we have all asked it and have heard it.
I had the privilege to attend a wonderful revival meeting this week and heard a powerful message. The speaker did a tremendous job and certainly the Lord was with him as the preacher brought glory to Christ and edified the people of God. After the service the preacher friend I was sitting with walked me to the parking lot and as I was about to enter my pickup, from across the parking lot he yelled to me and asked “Where are you going”. Jokingly, I said to him that I didn’t know where he was going but I knew where I was going. I told him I have my name written in God’s book of life and that Jesus was preparing a place for me. I was going to Heaven and that was home for me. We both chuckled and in our spirits rejoiced that that is God’s promise to us because Jesus has saved our souls.
Today people are constantly going everywhere and it seems they are never getting there. I can’t help but wonder that when they leave this life if they really know where they are going. Jesus said that there were two paths to travel. One is a narrow way with a straight gate and this way leads to life everlasting in the presence of Christ in glory. The other is called a broad way with a wide gate and many enter into the way but it is a way that leads to condemnation and separation from God and Heaven (Mathew 7:13, 14). I’m wondering this morning as I type these thoughts…Where are you going? I hope you have made preparations to be with Jesus in Heaven someday.
Peter, upon hearing Jesus sat to the disciples that he would be leaving them to return to the Father, asks him, ‘Lord, whither goest thou?’ Jesus went on to tell him and the other disciples those encouraging words found in John 14:1-6. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye now, and the way ye know…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Thomas said in verse 5 that they did not know where He was going to which Jesus said three times “believe” in the next few verses. And there is the answer to the question “Where are you going?” God’s Word has promised that if you want to know you are going to Heaven then believe in Jesus and what He did on the cross of Calvary and you will know where you are going. So…my question is, do you know where you are going? I know where I am and hope to see you there!

Until then…
Brother Glenn